We are the UK's market leader for accredited hazardous material testing, surveying, and consultancy. Providing trusted holistic environmental services to commercial clients across multiple sectors.

An asbestos survey locates and evaluates the condition of all asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in a building. The information is then presented to facilitate effective risk assessment and management. We also offer Legionella Risk Assessments, any kind of water system on your property means there’s a risk of Legionella contamination. The right measures need to be put in place and it starts with a risk assessment from Asbestos Management Company.
Contact us to enquire. To begin that process, complete the form below and one of our consultants at Asbestos Management Company will call back to arrange a time.
Tel: 028 7032 1319
Email: jimb@asbestosmc.com
Address: 5 Cam Road, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, BT51 4PX
Business Hours:
Monday – Friday: 7.30am – 6pm
Saturday – Sunday: Closed
Will we be breaking the law if we do not have a survey?Yes. If you are in a non-domestic property, it's important to be aware of certain regulations. You should refer to the Health & Safety Executive's website for information on the 'Duty to Manage' aspect in all non-domestic properties. Moreover, the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR) establishes guidelines to ensure the safety of individuals who might be exposed to asbestos. These regulations primarily apply to those responsible for maintaining or repairing non-domestic premises. Their main goal is to help identify and effectively manage any potential risks associated with asbestos within such properties. These regulations were introduced in 2012 to support the implementation of regulation 4 of CAR. Their purpose is to promote awareness and compliance. They officially came into effect in May 2004.
Do all buildings need a survey?The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) requirements apply primarily to non-domestic properties. Nonetheless, asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are also found in domestic properties. Residents, builders, maintenance workers, and the insurance industry are all requesting surveys to be conducted for asbestos in residential properties.
What happens if you find asbestos on our premises?This depends on the type of location and mainly the condition of the asbestos that is found on the premises. The recommendations vary from managing the asbestos in place to clearly marking and not allowing disturbance with warning labels. In extreme cases it will need to be removed immediately by a licensed asbestos removal contractor.
Will most buildings you survey have asbestos in them?Yes. Findings suggest as much as 98% of the buildings we survey contain asbestos-containing materials.
How long has asbestos been used in the construction industry?In Britain, it was used from the 1950s until the 1980s. Certain types of asbestos, specifically amosite and crocidolite, were prohibited from use in 1985. Eventually, in 1999, all uses of chrysotile - except for a few specialised applications - were also banned.
Will we wait a long time for the survey report?You can expect to receive the analysis results from the laboratory, along with the full report, within 24 to 48 hours after we survey your property using samples for Management or Refurbishment / Demolition asbestos surveys. We will email these results to you promptly.
Do you keep a copy of our report on your computers?Yes we do. This means if further copies are needed, we can supply a new report. It's important to do so should builders or any other parties working on a property require information.
How can we find out how much a survey will cost?Simply call us on 028 7032 1319. It helps to know the size of the building, the approximate year of construction and the number of floors (check to see if you have floor plans). We also need to know if all areas of the building are accessible. If we're required to survey the roof, for example, we may need to use a cherry picker. If we have this information, we can post, fax or email a quotation.
Will my staff be made aware that you are looking for asbestos?We never mention the ‘A’ word on site. We have discrete, unmarked vehicles.
Do I have to close my premises if you find asbestos?Very rarely. Our survey maps the location, extent and condition of any asbestos materials found on your property. The condition and location of the asbestos materials is the basis for recommendations in the survey report. If the asbestos materials pose a health hazard to the users of the building and there is the potential for asbestos fibres to release into the environment, we would recommend that those affected areas are sealed off.
Who will sue me if I do not have a report?All owners of non-domestic properties are obligated to maintain an asbestos register as part of their responsibility to manage asbestos materials within their premises. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) possesses the authority to take legal action against any instances of non-compliance with this regulation. For more information, you can refer here.
I am buying/selling a house - do I need a survey?Whether you need a survey depends on factors like your estate agent, insurance company, and mortgage broker. The demand for domestic asbestos surveys is increasing steadily. This is particularly true during property transactions, where people want to understand the materials present in the property and the living environment for their family. This is especially important since property renovation is often planned after acquiring a new property.
Will the neighbours know you are carrying out a survey?No, we are discreet. We use unmarked vehicles and clothing, and - should we be approached - confirm only that a building survey is being carried out. The ‘A’ word is not mentioned.
Do I need floor plans?We use floor plans in conjunction with photographs and descriptions to pinpoint and exhibit information about the specific surveyed areas and the locations from which samples are extracted. In cases where no floor plans exist for the property, we create and document our own layout plans.
Will you need to remove asbestos should you find it?Not necessarily. It depends on the condition of the asbestos materials and the location.
Are the reports confidential?Yes. An asbestos report is exclusively provided to the client. If anyone is conducting work on your property that might involve disturbing asbestos materials or uncovering areas where asbestos is present, they have the right to be informed about the report's conclusions. This responsibility lies with the building management.
Do you wear a facemask and seal off areas?Yes, we wear face-masks when taking samples. The object of conducting a survey is to obtain samples without polluting the environment. If - during a survey - we discover a dangerous asbestos material in very poor condition, we would discreetly discuss this with the onsite contact about sealing off an area. However, this is an extreme occurrence. During the survey we may control the movement of personnel until an area has been surveyed.
After the survey, what happens during repair/renewal work on our premises?Our recommendations will be given in the survey report.
Is all asbestos the same?Yes, asbestos fibres pose a risk if inhaled. Asbestos has been incorporated into numerous products over the years. The level of risk associated with these products varies, affecting the likelihood of them releasing asbestos fibres into the surrounding environment. Consequently, the key lies in identifying products containing asbestos fibres and either avoiding any disruption of those fibres or arranging for their removal from the premises.
Can asbestos be found in materials in small or large percentages?Yes. Depending on the use of the product, asbestos fibres are part of the overall composition in varying concentrations. There is no safe threshold for a product containing asbestos.
Will there be any dust made during the survey?No. The purpose of the survey is to map out the asbestos materials in the property. During a Management or Refurbishment / Demolition Asbestos survey, the methods used are such to avoid polluting the environment. Asbestos materials are safer when not disturbed. So if a sample is required, a minimum amount of material is safely extracted.
Will you damage my property?No. Sample taking is as discreet as possible. Intrusive investigations occur exclusively during Refurbishment/Demolition surveys.
Can we continue working at the premises whilst the survey is carried out?During Management Surveys - yes. But not during Refurbishment / Demolition Surveys. We only take samples from areas and materials that need investigation. If you prefer that the survey be conducted outside of business hours, on a weekend or during a holiday period, this can be arranged subject to enquiry.
Do you have to go everywhere in our building?Yes. We need to survey all areas, rooms, cupboards, lofts, etc. If there are areas that are locked or of a sensitive nature, these can be noted down on the report and surveyed at a later date.
How long will the survey take?The larger the building, the longer it will take to look around it. Usually several hours is sufficient to survey a property.
What happens to locked / no access areas?These are noted down and recorded on the final asbestos survey report. These areas can be revisited at a later date and the report will then be updated to include them.
Do photographs need to be taken?Yes. Photographs serve the purpose of documenting both the outer and inner aspects of a property. They are essential for pinpointing the locations where samples have been extracted and identifying items like boilers and heaters. Occasionally, clients might specify certain zones, rooms, floors, etc., that they prefer not to have photographed. Such requests are perfectly acceptable and are duly documented in the survey report. Please note that we do not capture images of individuals' faces or items like number plates. Upon completing the survey, you'll have the option to review the digital photographs taken of your property. This allows you to have a comprehensive view of the property's condition and the various elements documented during the survey.
What is asbestos?What is asbestos? Asbestos, derived from the Greek words "a-" (not) and "sbestos" (extinguishable), is a naturally occurring mineral that does not burn and is mined in a manner similar to coal, primarily in countries like Canada and Australia. Due to its ability to withstand high temperatures, it found application in the construction industry for insulation and fire protection purposes.
Is it really dangerous?Yes. This is because asbestos is a naturally occurring fibre that can be easily inhaled. Its 'barb' shape allows it to become lodged in the lung lining, potentially leading to the development of cancer.
I heard that it was only a problem if it was disturbed? Is it true?Yes, this is true. If the material containing the asbestos fibres is not disturbed, the potential for release is minimised. When the material is cut, scraped, impacted or corrupted, fibres can be released. They can also be released when materials weather or decompose. This is when it becomes a serious problem. During a survey, the condition of the asbestos containing material is taken into account.
Do you remove the asbestos when you find it?No. Asbestos products have to be handled in a certain way. The remit of the asbestos survey is to map out the asbestos-containing materials. Then a licensed asbestos removal contractor is used to remove and correctly dispose of the items that are highlighted in the report.
Will there be a lot of mess when it is removed?Asbestos is dangerous down to a microscopic fibre level so all of the material containing the asbestos fibres needs to be removed. The licensed asbestos removal contractor is someone who has to carefully assess and remove all the material without creating dust which would pollute the area.
Can you do the necessary building work to replace what was there?Yes.
After asbestos has been removed, does the property need to be resurveyed?Yes. The property can then be resurveyed to update the report and state that the material has been removed. This is in conjunction with photographs and descriptions so as to form a living archive explaining the history of the property concerned.
How do we dispose of asbestos?Due to the dangerous nature of asbestos-containing materials, it's best to leave any removal and disposal to a competent and / or licensed contractor. They have the knowledge and equipment to correctly and safely remove the asbestos.
Do we get a certificate to say we are clean? And does it have to be prominently displayed?No. The report serves as an ongoing record of the property, detailing the specific locations where sampling and surveying activities have taken place. It can be showcased at the reception desk or kept by the manager responsible for site facilities. Contractors, staff members, and anyone using the property have the option to request access to this report. By doing so, they can become aware of any areas within the property that may contain asbestos materials.

Call our team at Asbestos Management Company on 028 7032 1319. Alternatively, email our team and we’ll get back in touch with you.